Dow gets a jumpstart on career in cardiothoracic pediatrics
by Emily Dunagin
A desire to help others who are unable to help themselves has led upcoming high school junior Rebecca Dow to pursue a career in cardiothoracic pediatrics.
Her interest in the field was heavily influenced by her involvement in sports such as hockey, and because of several injuries which she sustained. Her family was another influence with her decision, as many members currently hold positions as professional medical personnel. As an only child, Dow attributes her love of children to h

(Photo: Emily Dunagin)
er many cousins and the impactful role she plays in their lives.
By enrolling in many medical-based courses and actively working toward boosting her GPA, Dow hopes to improve her chances of being accepted into a highly accredited college.
Cardiothoracic pediatrics, the study and ability to diagnose irregularities in young children’s hearts, is a field which piqued Dow’s interest on many levels. She hopes to create new and innovative solutions to cure cardiovascular illnesses and disorders in children.
Dow says that her “passion is helping those who can’t help themselves.”
Dow hopes that future generations of medical personnel will embrace a greater sense of transparency and acceptance for people of all beliefs, genders, and races. “Transparency,” Dow says, “is a very important part of a doctor’s reputation.”
By coming to Franklin Pierce’s Presidency and the Press program, Dow hopes, “[This] program will provide me with a wider range of ideals and opinions, making me a more effective member of the medical world and a better doctor.”
July 16, 2017 - 12:27 pm
I can’t even SAY cardiothoracic pediatrics!