Home » Entries posted by AaronDupuis

Several Presidency and the Press students credentialed for Republican National Convention
Students from P&P are going to Tampa
White House, Presidential Politics and Melinda Fitzwater
She has been a conservative all her life from being cousins with 2008 Presidential Candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), meeting her husband in the White House and being born in Oyster Bay Cove in Long Island, New York the home of Teddy Roosevelt. Melinda Fitzwater is a strong willed and opinionated woman who met her […]
Activists Directing Students on Campaigns
Political activist and field directors Derek Scalia and Jacob Avery visited future politicians and journalists at Franklin Pierce University. They talked with students in the Presidency and the Press program about working on campaigns and that you could receive a lot of experience if you work on one. Avery said that it is better to […]