Home » Entries posted by HaleyNisbet

Fitzwater reflects
by Haley Nisbet Presidency and the Press The first thing Marlin Fitzwater heard when he got to Washington was “leave.” When he applied for a job at The Washington Post he was told, “This is where people end up, not where they start off. “ Fitzwater didn’t listen. Instead, he went to work for the […]

Santorum talks foundation
by Haley Nisbet Presidency and the Press Presidential candidate Rick Santorum held a meet and greet at his New Hampshire campaign headquarters in Manchester, among the media were student reporters from Franklin Peirce’s the Presidency and the Press. Prior to Santorum’s visit in Manchester, he had been campaigning in Iowa and South Carolina. “After August […]

Aspiring journalist embarks on new adventure
It only took Emily Houston a year on her high school newspaper before being elected editor of Lancer life, a section of the newspaper dedicated to informing students of various activities.