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Nudist risks road to the presidency
by Jess Anderson and Ruben Holly Presidency and the Press Does a nudist really have a shot at reaching the Oval Office? What about a former nun whose platform rests on the legalization of marijuana? Well, $1,000 and a dream can give any American a shot at the presidency, according to David Tirrell-Wysocki. Regardless of […]

Why New Hampshire?
by Joshuwa Deal and Clay Morsey Presidency and the Press With so much political attention accumulating around New Hampshire the question begs to be asked, “why New Hampshire?” The primary has started in New Hampshire since the 1952, before 1952 only two elections happened without a primary prior to them. Since then New Hampshire has continued to carry […]

Student reporters bombard presidential hopeful
Former Senator Rick Santorum entered his Manchester, New Hampshire headquarters Monday, July 18, only to be greeted by the swarm of Presidency and the Press student reporters awaiting the chance to interview the presidential campaigner. After a quick briefing on the history of his campaign and decision to run for the presidency, Santorum got right […]

Santorum meets the Presidency and the Press
by Sierra Baldwin The Presidency and the Press Presidential candidate and former senator Rick Santorum spoke to student reporters of the Presidency and the Press conference today at his New Hampshire headquarters in Manchester. With an audience of about thirty young journalists, Santorum gave a short speech that outlined his campaign plan before answering […]

New Hampshire media presidents talk “little” with students
by Caitlyn Blood and Sarah Rodriguez The Presidency and the Press Today Joseph McQuaid and Jeff Bartlett spoke to the 2011 The Presidency and the Press participants about the reality of the “little guy’s” financial situation and possibility of success in New Hampshire. McQuaid, the president and publisher of the Union Leader said, “The little […]

Rick Santorum: “The Little Engine that Could”
by Gianna Cacciatore Presidency and the Press Presidential candidate Rick Santorum refused to let low awareness bring him down in response to questions from Presidency and the Press students on Monday. With a burning desire and positive outlook, Santorum plans to make his mark on the 2012 Presidential elections. Though he is not the most […]

Santorum seeks a grassroots campaign
Former senator Rick Santorum said that his presidential campaign is a grassroots effort today in an interview with the Presidency and the Press conference.

Santorum addresses crowd in Manchester
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum visited Manchester, New Hampshire to speak with potential voters and answer questions from the press.

Young interviewers drill Santorum; gain experience
Presidency and Press participants spent 15 minutes interviewing presidential hopeful Rick Santorum in Manchester, New Hampshire, Monday morning.

Former Senator Santorum visits Manchester headquarters
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum addressing a crowd of reporters, students and supporters at his headquarters in Manchester, NH