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Column: Trump cannot “fake news” way out of Helsinki blunder
Monday’s Trump-Putin press conference was yet another enormous blunder by Trump on foreign policy.

#Journalist \ #The Press and the Presidency \ journalism \ Media \ news
Political reporter addresses civility in media today
by Katherine Desmond and Alena Masterson Hillary Chabot said that politicians using media as the enemy isn’t new. Chabot is a political reporter and host of Boston Herald Radio. She spoke to the Presidency and the Press program on Wednesday afternoon. “The idea of using media to salvage your own political reputation or to use […]

Column: Discrimination in politics
If I was running for a political office, I wouldn’t want to be treated differently. But, I have two strikes against me. I am a woman and my skin is brown.

Column: Trump tweets need tweaking.
Trumps uses Twitter to relay his information, this is great but he should do it in a more organized way.

WMUR’s Jim Breen gives Presidency and the Press participants a behind the scenes tour of the studio.
The Presidency and the Press participants met with the WMUR’s directer of news operations, Jim Breen.

#Gen Alpha \ #Journalist \ #The Press and the Presidency \ fake news \ front page
Column: The dangers of false information in the hands of Gen Alpha
Younger generations are unable to recognize false information, and it’s a cause for concern

#The Press and the Presidency \ Democratic party \ Democrats \ fake news \ Generation Z \ journailsm \ Media \ politics and media \ Raymond Buckley
Column: A bleak but hopeful outlook for journalism
Raymond Buckley speaks about the uncertain future of journalism in the hands of the younger generations.
Column: How fake news has affected how Generation Z views the media.
Fake news has been affecting my generation and how we feel about real news.

#interview \ #presidencyandthepress \ column \ journalism \ Media \ senator
Column: Agreeing with Senator Avard
Students shared strong opinions after meeting with Senator Kevin Avard.

Column: Celebritities vs Real world
Celebrity culture is distracting the public from more important issues, such as terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and global warming.