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#Gen Alpha \ #Journalist \ #The Press and the Presidency \ fake news \ front page
Column: The dangers of false information in the hands of Gen Alpha
Younger generations are unable to recognize false information, and it’s a cause for concern

#The Press and the Presidency \ Democratic party \ Democrats \ fake news \ Generation Z \ journailsm \ Media \ politics and media \ Raymond Buckley
Column: A bleak but hopeful outlook for journalism
Raymond Buckley speaks about the uncertain future of journalism in the hands of the younger generations.

Emily Dunagin \ fake news \ Franklin Pierce University \ Peter Maer \ Ravi Graves
Former CBS correspondent voices his hope for the future of media
“Problems such as fake news destroy the dependency which the public has in the news.”

accurate sources \ Boston Herald \ Emily Dunagin \ fake news \ Joe Sciacca \ public trust \ Ravi Graves
Boston Herald editor-in-chief urges the press to regain public’s trust
“Clickbait is not journalism.”